
Compatible Application Events for the “Ticket” entity

Ticket assigned


Fired asynchronously once a ticket has been assigned

Variable Type About
ticket Ticket Details about the ticket
additionalInfo Map<String, List<String>> Additional information provided by the ticket holder

Ticket cancelled


Fired synchronously once one or more tickets (but not the entire reservation at once) have been cancelled.

Variable Type About
ticket Ticket Details about the ticket
additionalInfo Map<String, List<String>> Additional information provided by the ticket holder

Ticket UUID reset

As security measure, once a ticket has been cancelled its UUID is reset. This happens after this event has been fired

Ticket checked-in


Fired asynchronously once a ticket has been checked in.

Variable Type About
ticket Ticket Details about the ticket

Ticket check-in reverted


Fired asynchronously once the ticket checked-in status has been reverted.

Variable Type About
ticket Ticket Details about the ticket

Online check-in redirect


Fired synchronously when a check-in for an online event happens.

Script is expected to return an URL where the ticket holder will be redirected. Or null to proceed with the default settings.

Variable Type About
event EventWithCheckInInfo Details about the event
originalUrl String the default redirect URL
eventId int ID of the Event
organizationId int Organizer ID

Customize join URL for online events


Fired synchronously before sending the ticket email. The purpose of this extension is to allow seamless integration with external, invitation-based virtual conference systems.

A result of type TicketMetadata is expected. Return null to use default settings or throw an error if the link was not successful.

Variable Type About
ticket Ticket Details about the ticket
additionalInfo Map<String, List<String>> Additional information provided by the ticket holder
ticketMetadata TicketMetadata Existing metadata for ticket. Might be undefined

Customize ticket metadata


Fired synchronously before marking a ticket as “acquired”. The purpose of this extension is to allow metadata customization.

A result of type TicketMetadata is expected. Return null if you don’t need to modify the current metadata.

Variable Type About
ticket Ticket Details about the ticket
ticketMetadata TicketMetadata Existing metadata for ticket.
additionalInfo Map<String, List<String>> Additional information provided by the ticket holder

Last modified 02.02.2024: update documentation (9e96972b)