
Other Application Events

Waiting List subscription


Fired when someone subscribes to a waiting list

Variable Type About
waitingQueueSubscription WaitingQueueSubscription Details about the subscription

PDF Generation


Fired when a PDF needs to be generated. This is useful if you want to delegate the actual PDF generation to a dedicated service.

Script is expected to save the result in a temporary file (e.g. by using the postBodyAndSaveResponse method of SimpleHttpClient)

This is a synchronous call. A result of type PdfGenerationResult is expected. Return null if the generation was not successful.

Variable Type About
event Event The event
html String HTML to be converted to PDF
outputStream OutputStream OutputStream used to save the produced PDF

OAuth2 State param


Fired when an an OAuth2 state parameter is needed, I.e. for setting up Stripe/Mollie connect.

This is a synchronous call. A String containing a valid URL must be returned, or null to proceed with the default settings.

Variable Type About
baseUrl String The configured “Base URL” for the current organizer
organizationId int Organizer ID

Last modified 02.02.2024: update documentation (9e96972b)